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Why is Fall the Best Time for a Skin Peel?

As we welcome the cooler temperatures of fall weather, it is the perfect time to pamper and refresh our skin. Fall signals the end of summer and the start of shorter days - optimal for skin peel treatments as we tend to stay indoor more, reducing the level of UV exposure from the sun. Following the hot summer days, skin is weathered, sun-damaged, and pores are clogged - thanks to sweat and sunscreen. You may be ready for fall - but is your skin?

Skin Peel Benefits

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

  • Reduces ages spots, freckles, and dark patches

  • Treats acne and reduces breakouts

  • Improves the texture and tone of skin

  • Improves scarring

  • Improves rough skin and scaly patches

  • Rejuvenates a dull complexion

  • Reveals youthful, smooth, and radiant skin

Chemical skin peels are designed to erase the dry and damaged layers of summer skin to reveal younger, smoother, and more hydrated skin - the perfect way to achieve that no makeup glow!

Timing is Key

Although excellent skincare is a year-round process, our skin is most damaged by the sun during the summer season. By employing chemical peels in the fall, you reverse the damage the skin has suffered during the proceeding months. There are many key reasons why clinicians encourage skin peels during the fall season:

  • Following a chemical skin peel procedure, the skin needs to have limited UV exposure. This is easier to accomplish during the fall season when we are naturally indoors more often as the days are shorter and the temperature is cooler.

  • During the summer months, our skin naturally secretes more oil, and our pores become clogged with dirt and debris; the skin becomes dull and rough in texture. A chemical peel will slough off the outermost layer of skin to reveal a brighter, rejuvenated complexion.

  • Fall is the time when we start preparing for the holidays. Starting chemical peels in the fall means that you can begin seeing results before the holiday season. Feel and look your best at parties and family gatherings this year, thanks to chemical skin peels.

Whatever your aesthetic concerns regarding damaged skin are, a chemical skin peel can address them by deep exfoliating to reveal a new, healthy layer of skin. Our clinicians will customize a skin peel to meet your specific needs. Contact us today to schedule your skin peel appointment. We have great deals on skin peels this month and we look forward to serving you soon!

You can achieve glowing and healthy-looking skin that won't leave you reaching for foundation every morning!


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